EDUD 732 - Leadership for Transformative Change and InnovationWork Samples Professional Leadership Growth Plan PLGP 1 - Read the results of my Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire, and my response to it. Spring 2025.PLGP 2 - Heroic self-reflection paperPLGP 2 - Heroic self’s future-state resumePLGP 3 - Professional Leadership Growth Plan Transformational Change Project TCP1 - Change Agent 007TCP2 - OrganizationTCP3 - EnvironmentTCP4 - StrategyTCP5 - ImplementationTCP6 - MaintenanceTCP7 - CommunicationTCP8 - PitchPitch video Reflective Journal Week 1Week 2Week 3Week 4Week 5Week 6Week 7Week 8